JUDICIARY Latest Features

Chief Justice Swears-in New Members of Commissions
Hon. Justice Katureebe with one of the new commissioners at the swearing ceremony at the High Court in Kampala

The Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe, on Friday (November 8, 2019)swore in four members to serve on different Commissions during a ceremony held at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala. 

The four included new Chairperson Education Service Commission (ESC) Rev Prof Samuel Abimerech Luboga, Vice Chairperson Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC)Cox Ojuko Joel, member of EOC Denise Tumusiime, and a member of Uganda Land Commission, Ms Stella Achan.

The Chief Justice congratulated the new members upon their appointments adding that he was glad that the Commissions are now fully constituted and that work can move on swiftly. 

The head of Public Service and Secretary to Cabinet, Dr. John Mitala, thanked the Chief Justice for successfully hosting the recently concluded fourth African Judicial Dialogue. He thanked the CJ for presiding over these swearing in ceremonies and equally congratulated the new members.

To the ESC Chairperson, Rev. Prof. Luboga, he said he has no doubt that he will settle down quickly since there is already a strong team in place. 

Dr Mitala explained that the major prerequisite to be appointed as chairperson ora member of any of the appointing commissions is to have "high moral character and proven integrity." 

The ceremony was witnessed by the acting Chairperson ESC, Dr. Violet Kajubiri-Froelich, Chairperson EOC, Ms Sylvia M. Ntambi, Minister of State for Education and Sports, Charles Bakkabulindi, as well as families of the newly appointed members.

Posted 11th, November 2019
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